Ham and Cheese Omelet

Ham and Cheese Omelet

Prep: 5 mins Cook: 10 mins Total: 15 mins Serving: 1 Yield: 1 omelet Cooking a classic omelet is a dish known to make even chefs cry, but who knows…
The Ultimate Cocktails Guide

The Ultimate Cocktails Guide

Whether you’re just starting to explore the world of mixed drinks, or are a hobbyist mixologist looking to hone your craft, there’s always something new to learn (or sip!). Creating…
Bloody Mary Beans

Bloody Mary Beans

Prep: 10 mins Cook: 13 mins Canning Time: 10 mins Total: 33 mins Servings: 16 servings Yield: 1 pint Intended to be the "stir stick" in a bloody mary, these…
Kentucky Mint Julep

Kentucky Mint Julep

Prep: 25 mins Cook: 2 mins Total: 27 mins Servings: 36 servings There are many recipes for mint juleps, and this is one served in several restaurants around the state…
Cured Egg Yolks

Cured Egg Yolks

Prep: 10 mins Cook: 60 mins Cure: 144 hrs Total: 145 hrs 10 mins Servings: 12 servings Yield: 6 cured yolks There are several good reasons to make cured egg…